I have  grown up in a society where many people are right-handed ,so i find it unique that I’m left-handed.I probably fit in the mi category of many famous presidents,musicians are left-handed.Aristotle,the father of the Western critical thought ,Leonardo da Vinci ,Oprah Winfrey ,Fidel Castro, George Bush,Bill Gates ,Barrack Obama and Uhuru Kenyatta are some of the few famous people who are left-handed.Is there something special with being left-handed?It’s a question that has given many myths about left handed people(Kabaji.E,2015) .

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Interestingly  in a majority of cultures over the world ,left-handed people are a stigmatized minority.Left is associated with femininity while right is linked to masculinity.In many of cultures, when giving direction ,we talk about the female side and the male side of the road.Some cultures in Africa ,people view left-handedness as a sign of evil ,while in Japan it can be an enough reason for a divorce .It’s therefore, possible to argue that  left-handed people are a minority that deserves attention .We suffer at  the hands of right-handed people who don’t recognize our special needs.Even in the technology equipments we use they seem to not have considered left-handed people like ,gaming pads,to some extent computers .

It is amazing how that as we open up democratic space,groups of disadvantaged people are coming to demand their rights ,yet left-handed people have remained an un-organized  lot  seemingly contented with their place in the society .

“Our society has to care for its minorities.That is why left-handed people should be treated as people with special needs ,just like the gifted.” (Prof. Kabaji,2014) and (Dr Misigo,2014).

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