I have  grown up in a society where many people are right-handed ,so i find it unique that I’m left-handed.I probably fit in the mi category of many famous presidents,musicians are left-handed.Aristotle,the father of the Western critical thought ,Leonardo da Vinci ,Oprah Winfrey ,Fidel Castro, George Bush,Bill Gates ,Barrack Obama and Uhuru Kenyatta are some of the few famous people who are left-handed.Is there something special with being left-handed?It’s a question that has given many myths about left handed people(Kabaji.E,2015) .

Image result for left-handed

Interestingly  in a majority of cultures over the world ,left-handed people are a stigmatized minority.Left is associated with femininity while right is linked to masculinity.In many of cultures, when giving direction ,we talk about the female side and the male side of the road.Some cultures in Africa ,people view left-handedness as a sign of evil ,while in Japan it can be an enough reason for a divorce .It’s therefore, possible to argue that  left-handed people are a minority that deserves attention .We suffer at  the hands of right-handed people who don’t recognize our special needs.Even in the technology equipments we use they seem to not have considered left-handed people like ,gaming pads,to some extent computers .

It is amazing how that as we open up democratic space,groups of disadvantaged people are coming to demand their rights ,yet left-handed people have remained an un-organized  lot  seemingly contented with their place in the society .

“Our society has to care for its minorities.That is why left-handed people should be treated as people with special needs ,just like the gifted.” (Prof. Kabaji,2014) and (Dr Misigo,2014).


Of all the meat eaten in Kenya ,lamb makes up a very small fraction .Lamb is meat from young sheep that are less than one year old.This red meat is healthy and extremely delicious ,having a tender and buttery quality.Lamb is regarded as a religious symbol ,and commonly used as a sacrifice in many religions ,including Christianity.It is also a traditional dish in many countries during the Easter.

Although high in saturated fat , lamb is a good source of protein and selenium, providing 60.3 per cent of the daily value of protein .Lamb also provide 38.8 per cent of vitamin B3 ,and selenium which is important for growth and fertility .A research  published in (2004)by Neurology ,indicates that regular consumption of niacin -rich foods(lamb),provides prevention from age related cognitive decline .For me i would rate lamb as high as fish because of my roots.

I would recommend most people in Kenya to take the lamb meat ,compared to the regular cow meat most people are used too.Lamb is a good source of zinc used in the production of red  blood cells and prevention of blood related disease like;Anaemia.Zinc is also not only critical for immune ,but for wound healing.

Hopefully most  people realize the benefits that come with eating lamb meat!!!


Self-confidence is the belief  in oneself ,one’s knowledge and abilities .It is an attitude that allows individuals  to have positive  yet realistic views of themselves and their  situations .Self-confidence says ,”I can do this!” or “i have the ability to do this !”To be self-confident ,you have to trust your own abilities ,have a general sense of control in your life and believe that, within reason ,you will do what you wish ,plan and expect . This statement implies accepting that you will not accomplish everything .Being realistic in one’s  expectations is required even as one develops self-confidence.This value demands positivism and acceptance of one’s situation .

Self-confidence is a necessary value that possess.Lack of it makes one dependent on others’ approval and constant support in order to feel good .It is also limiting ,as those who lack it tend to avoid risks because they fear failure and do not expect to achieve success.Signs of lack of confidence include  putting oneself down , downplaying or ignoring compliments paid to them by others and constantly doubting your own capabilities .

Self-confidence is best developed in one’s formative years through the guidance and influence  of one’s parents,teachers and friends .When parents accept their children as they are and encourage them to feel good about themselves ,while also giving them responsibilities according to their capabilities,they give  them concrete foundation for self-confidence later in in life .For those who didn’t receive this kind of foundation however ,it is never too late to start building self-confidence. One can start by focusing on what you can do and give yourself credit for your own effort .It’s also necessary to take risks ,and use them as an opportunity to learn rather than win or loose situations .

“Knock the ‘t’ off the can’t.”(Johnson.S ,1709-1784)one famous English Author . Another famous Author said,”Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself!”(Collier.R,1885-1950)  .


Kenya has always flourished in the wildlife sector from centuries dating to the beginning of life on earth. Poaching of elephants for the their tusks has always been a lucrative sport for the tribesmen  “wanainchi” dating back to the times of colonialism.Powerful tribes such as the Baganda ,and the Nyamwezi etc,would hunt the elephants for their tusks to trade them in to the Swahili Arabs in the coast ,in order to make their Kingdom Wealthy.This favored warrior sport which generates an enormous wealth for the Kingdom came about from the tusks of the elephants better know as Ivory being in large demand in the world outside Africa.

As we all know Ivory has been used ,and still  illegally used in sculpting into art objects ,decorative jewelry etc.Due to the size of the elephant’s tusk been  3 meters in length and a weight of 102 kilograms(225 pounds) at a larger scale. this has made elephants a valued source of Ivory .

Image result for elephants tusks ivory

In 1989,in an effort to reduce the illegal killing of the elephants, the African elephant was classified as an endangered species by the Convection on International Trade in Endangered Species.The action put into effect a ban on most trade in ivory .But the demand for ivory ,particularly in Asia,continues to grow .And this demand fuels the poaching of elephants for their tusks.African countries particularly  Kenya are working on ways to save their elephant populations.Policies have been put in place to protect elephants living in nature reserves and to fight the poachers.Kenya’s elephants may vanish in ten years ,warns prominent Naturalist  .



Okay few people would not argue this fact that Lionel Messi is  probably one of the greatest players of all time if not the best. I feel privileged to have been alive to witness this unbelievable player. He does things ,most football players would  only dream of doing.It’s incredible how he comes up with something new every game ; be it dribbles ,assists or even breathtaking  free kicks.He’s just out of this world.Watching him play in the Uefa Champions League knockout stages,has been just awesome.When Barcelona were playing against Manchester city, it was like training practice for him! He was owning each Man-city player that came his way .I vividly remember his nutmeg against James Miller; when  Pep Guardiola (his former coach)  saw it  and held his head with amazement(What!!! how did he do that ?).

Messi’s Nutmeg to James Millner …………..and Pep Guardiola’s Reaction!!!

If that was brilliant, for those who watched the Champions League match between the iconic FC Barcelona vs  impossible Bayern Munich,he was simply on another level.The game was evenly matched for almost an hour ,until Messi exploded from the right wing like a loose canon and fired a shot past the keeper as the first goal. I was simply blown away! I mean,” how did he manage to score with the limited space was given ? “for his second goal, i was over the moon when  it went in ,because he nutmeged Jerome Boateng leaving him a victim to the cruel force of gravity and chipped the ball past the magnificent Manuel Neur (Bayern’s goalie). I immediately  texted my pals in whatapp like “Did you see that ”

Boateng left to the ground by a quick Messi Dribble    

And finally finishing it off with an incredible Lob past Manuel Neuer

Now my favorite Messi match is the one FC Barcelona played recently against Athletic Bilbao . In the first half ,he got the ball around the half way-line and dribbled past five defenders leaving them helpless almost wetting their pants and fired low into the right corner .My eyes almost literally pooped out as i replayed the goal close to five times….Few words could describe Messi’s extraordinary talent in football.Truly, he’s a legend!

Messi Breezing past Athletic Bilbao Players

The season came to an amazing finish last week with Barcelona’s treble win and Messi behind all that success.Hope to  see the little magician at work next season!!!!


Okay first of all find it sad to write this.The football season across the three major leagues in Europe  ended last weekend .I personally I’m a football fan and a Manchester United fan to be precise.I been watching this season  football matches since its sun rise in August .This is the end of a season with mixed feelings. In some stages Manchester United played very good football, being very competitive especially against it’s  main rivals, and they enjoyed some important wins; on the other hand, there were periods when the team  were not consistent enough to fight for the title, or suffered some painful defeats.Marouane Fellaini red card

While the leaders Chelsea have been the most consistent team in the league coming from ( a United fan), and they deserved to be champions.

As do the pyrotechnics

The final day of the season had some bit sadness to some fans and joy to others,especially in race to avoid relegation between hull city and Newcastle United .Manchester united  finished the season with a draw at Hull that also meant the local team was relegated. It’s not nice to experience something like that . At the end, United’s draw, plus Newcastle’s victory, left Hull in the relegation zone. By the way, Jonás goal for Newcastle tells a lot about life and the way one can overcome  real problems.

Hull fans dejected

Being the last week of the Premier League, we have saw a few farewells and some of them very significant. Like Steven Gerrard’s, for instance is one of the best english midfield player  to ever play in the Premier League. The same thing can be said, of course, about Frank Lampard, a true legend in both English and world football.What a way to end your premier league career with a goal. Good luck on his new Journey in the United States . I can’t forget another great player  Didier Drogba, one of the best strikers the Premier League has ever seen and a true Legend in Africa. With so many legends leaving, a good part of football’s history in England is leaving too.

Since the premier league ended on Sunday, I had  some time on Saturday to watch the games in la Liga, where the last minutes were absolutely thrilling.Barcelona ended as champions. At the Camp Nou, Xavi, a fantastic player, said goodbye to la Liga in Spain. He still has to play the Cup final at the same stadium against Athletic, and that will be Iraola’s farewell too.

Barcelona players celebrate winning the 2014/15 Spanish championship

The last game brought joy to Valencia and Granada. And Real Madrid managed to finish the season on a high,with Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a hat-trick to finish as the top scorer with 48 goals.Five ahead of another great player in Lionel Messi who had 43.Cristiano Ronaldo scores Real Madrid's fourth goal

Hope next season will be a thriller .  Adios Amigo!!!


Flooded part of Nairobi city    

 Flash floods that hit Nairobi city Tuesday night left a trail of damage with most city roads remaining impassable the following day, motorists were forced to spend hours on the road as the County government workers tried to clear and unblock the city drainage system.Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists scrambled their way out of flooded roads in Nairobi after heavy downpour that caused havoc in the wee hours of the Tuesday morning . Motorists using Mbagathi were shocked after flash floods swept away bridge metal rails  blocking motorists.Some people were held in traffic the night till morning ,I being one of them reached home at around 4:30 am .I’ve never been that exhausted ,I had to wake up the at 7a.m for me to make to the city centre.

Debate on ‘roundabouts’ and Nairobi traffic hit fever pitch sometime last month as was clearly demonstrated on the Twitter trending topic ‘#someonetellKidero’. Now it’s the floods, and I guess it’s time we evaluated the mess that Nairobi City County has become.First, our drainage is from 1954 when horse carriages were the main form of transport on city roads. That’s why three days of rain is enough to cause a complete gridlock in the city.Hope this issue will be addressed because Tuesday the 12’th /13’th was a pure disaster.

Tuesday’s With Professor Morrie

The story begins with Mitch Albom meeting briefly with Morrie Schwartz in his graduation  college ceremony.Mitch is a young guy, just beginning to start his adulthood life and he tells us that Morrie  is his favorite professor.The day begin by Morrie happily enjoying dancing with other students and young people at Harvard city square at an event called “Dance free” and quickly changing the playing song into his own favorite tango.The following day Morrie starts his car for lecturer in  the university ,suddenly his leg muscles fail to work and the  car reverses back , to hit a basketball court fence .Morrie discovers he has contracted ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.It destroys his muscles ,making him weaker and weaker until his lung could no longer support him.He and his wife begin to prepare for this new life .  How ?   Morrie however refuses to throw the towel . Instead ,he starts opening up his home to visitors ,reaching out to everyone he knows.

Meanwhile,Mitch has been living a mediocre life.To be frank  , by mediocre It doesn’t mean that he hasn’t gone to college (he has) ,nor that he hasn’t been working really hard and making  tons of money (because he’s done both of these things as well)No,it means  that he isn’t happy .Instead ,it means he’s too much of a workaholic that he doesn’t even have time for his wife. Luckily for Mitch he comes across his old professor being interviewed by Nightline on  ABC.

Mitch visits Morrie on the first of many Tuesdays.He’s a bit  taken aback by  how frail Morrie is and fears he might have made a wrong decision in visiting him ,but no sooner the fear fades .They begin to have chat for  hours ,as if time hasn’t passed between them , and Morrie is able to convince him to come back and visit the next week .The topic for the next Tuesday  is self-pity.Morrie ,who has every reason to feel sorry for himself,tells Mitch that he consciously imposes “a daily limit on self-pity,” a few tearful minutes to mourn before focusing on the good things in his life and carrying on with his day.Mitch learns to lift Morrie from his wheelchair to his recliner, and as he hold his mentor’s wasted body,he knows that for Morrie, time is truly running out.This continues for several Tuesday’s ,as Morrie speaks of self-created values,loving others and learning to accept death.With each lesson,Morrie becomes increasingly sick; during their last meeting ,Morrie was bed ridden and near death.As he and Mitch hugged for one last time,Morrie notices Mitch is finally crying .

Morrie dies as short time after.At his funeral Mitch tries having a conversation with Morrie,as he had wanted Mitch feels a certain naturalness and comfort to this conversation and realizes that it happens to be Tuesday .
