Of all the meat eaten in Kenya ,lamb makes up a very small fraction .Lamb is meat from young sheep that are less than one year old.This red meat is healthy and extremely delicious ,having a tender and buttery quality.Lamb is regarded as a religious symbol ,and commonly used as a sacrifice in many religions ,including Christianity.It is also a traditional dish in many countries during the Easter.

Although high in saturated fat , lamb is a good source of protein and selenium, providing 60.3 per cent of the daily value of protein .Lamb also provide 38.8 per cent of vitamin B3 ,and selenium which is important for growth and fertility .A research  published in (2004)by Neurology ,indicates that regular consumption of niacin -rich foods(lamb),provides prevention from age related cognitive decline .For me i would rate lamb as high as fish because of my roots.

I would recommend most people in Kenya to take the lamb meat ,compared to the regular cow meat most people are used too.Lamb is a good source of zinc used in the production of red  blood cells and prevention of blood related disease like;Anaemia.Zinc is also not only critical for immune ,but for wound healing.

Hopefully most  people realize the benefits that come with eating lamb meat!!!

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